Viking-Gear Swords Page 1
Heidinn Vikingr Skogarmadr Ofridr Hervapn>
Swords from the migration and Viking periods.The following swords are top quality.
Built for Barbarians and Vikings with a little help from Wayland.
Full tang tool steel blades suitable for the reenactor, museums and collectors on the hand crafted swords.
Viking King Sword from Scania Sweden
Recreation of a Viking Kings Sword found at a burial site in
Scania Sweden. Dates from the 7th century. Highly detailed exact reproduction
Measures Approx. 40 inches comes with scabbard.
Scania Sweden. Dates from the 7th century. Highly detailed exact reproduction
Measures Approx. 40 inches comes with scabbard.

SWORDS1-1 $200.00
Viking Rune Handle Sword
May the Norse Force be with you with Viking Sword with scabbard.
Design dates 875 to 950 ce measures approx 38 inches.Hand crafted Norse Artisan Sword.
Choice of runes as many as the count on sword shown
Design dates 875 to 950 ce measures approx 38 inches.Hand crafted Norse Artisan Sword.
Choice of runes as many as the count on sword shown