Viking-Gear Rings 3
Odin Valknuts Tri-horn Ravens Wolves Rings

More rings added often so stop back soon!

odins ravens and valknut mens band ring

Odins Ravens and Valknut Ring

Sterling Silver with Bronze Valknut.
Measure approx. 1/2 inch high. All sizes available.
VGR4991 $75.00

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valknut round signet rings

Valknut round Signet Ring

Sterling Silver and Antiqued Brass Valknut Ring.
Measures approx. 3/4 inches high. All Sizes. Indicate size below.
VGRVSG309 $60.00

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Valknut with Ravens and or Wolves

valknut ravens and wolves ring

Sterling Silver ring with your choice of 2 wolves
2 Ravens or one of each side of Valknut. State your choice along with
size in text box below.Measures approx .7 inch high, all sizes.
VGR41597A $90.00

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valknut square signet ring valknut square signet ring 2
small size 9 left - large size 16 right

Valknut Signet Ring

Sterling Silver with Bronze Valknut
On a blackened background. Measures over 3/4 inch high.
Sizes 9 and up. State size below
VGR10893 $80.00

enter size 9 and up

valknut hail odin band ring

Hail Odin Valknut Ring

Sterling Silver measures 1/2 inch high.
Raised Valknut and "Hail Odin" on band.
Sizes 8 and up. State size below.
VGR41591 $45.00

enter size 8 and up

valknut with wolves and ravens ring and runes

Odins Wolves and Valknut Band Ring

Sterling Silver with Bronze Valknut and Wolves.
Featuring 2 wolf heads and valknut 1/2 inch high. All sizes
VGR4992 $85.00

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